#gardenofdreamscal #anceligadesign

This pattern is a part of the Garden of Dreams CAL project.


Crochet around every flower square before joining them. There are 40 sts /side and (2 dc, ch2-sp, 2 dc)/corner in every flower square.

COPYRIGHT - This publication is protected by the Copyright Act. It is available to you free of charge. You must not modify or distribute the pattern. Reselling the free pattern in all forms (a whole set of instructions or a single part) is prohibited. Selling a finished product is prohibited unless otherwise agreed with the designer. To download pattern for private use: Sharing the pattern is not allowed.

© 2019 Anne Vierimaa / Anceliga Design, all rights reserved

Stitches used in this pattern (US terms):

**See stitch instructions from a separate Stitch Tutorial file. 

You will need 1 color of yarn for this part. (optional to use two colors)

Rnd 1 

(SSdc, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) into corner ch2-sp,

*(Ch 1, sk 1 st, dc) 22 times, ch 1, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) into corner ch2-sp.* 3 times. (Ch 1, sk 1 st, dc) 22 times, ch 1. Join to the 1stdc with sl st. 

[(22 dc, 23 x ch1-sp)/side, (2 dc, ch2-sp, 2 dc)/corner]

Rnd 2 

Sl st into next dc. Ch 3 (count as sc + ch2 in next repeats), sk ch2-sp, *sc, (ch 1, sk 1 st, sc into ch1-sp) 23 times, ch 1, sk dc, sc in the dc, ch 2, sk ch2-sp. * 3 times. Sc in the next st, (ch 1, sk 1 st, sc into ch1-sp) 23 times, ch 1, sk dc, sc in dc. Join to the 1stch with sl st. 

[(25 sc, 24 x ch1-sp)/side, ch2-sp/corner]

Rnd 3 

Sl st into/over corner ch2-sps from rnds 1 and 2 together. Ch 3 (counts as dc),(dc, ch 2, 2 dc) into same ch2-sp.

*(Ch 1, sk 1 st, dc into ch1-sp) 24 times. Ch 1, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) into ch2-sps from rnds 1 and 2.* 3 times. (Ch 1, sk 1 st, dc into ch1-sp) 24 times, ch 1, sk sc. Join to the 3rdch with sl st 

[(24 dc, 25 x ch1-sp)/side, (2 dc, ch2-sp, 2 dc)/corner]

Please note, if you would like to make a little “twist” to your Garden Path, you can change to a different color for the next rnd by changing the yarn in the last sl st.


Rnd 4 

Sl st into next st. Ch 3 (count as sc + ch2), sk ch2-sp, *sc in the next st, (ch 1, sk 1 st, sc into ch1-sp) 25 times, ch 1, sk dc, sc into dc, ch 2, sk ch2-sp.* 3 times.

Sc in the next st, (ch 1, sk 1 st, sc into ch1-sp) 25 times, ch 1, sk dc. Join to the 1stch with sl st. 

[(27 sc, 26 ch1-sp)/side, ch2-sp/corner]


Please note, if you have changed thecolor inthis rnd, change back to the main color by changing it in the last sl st.

Rnd 5 

Sl st into/over the corner ch2-sps of rnds 3 and 4. Ch 3 (count as dc), (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) into same ch2-sp.

*(Ch 1, sk 1 st, dc into ch1-sp) 26 times. Ch 1, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) into/over the ch2-sps from rnds 3 and 4.* 3 times. (Ch 1, sk 1 st, dc into ch1-sp) 26 times, ch 1, sk st. Join to the 3rdch with sl st. 

[(30 dc, 27 x ch1-sp)/side, ch2-sp /corner]

Rnd 6 

Sl st into next st. Ch 3 (count as sc + ch2), sk ch2-sp, *sc in the next st, (ch 1, sk 1 st, sc into ch1-sp) 27 times, ch 1, sk dc, sc into dc, ch 2, sk ch2-sp.* 3 times.

Sc in the next st, (ch 1, sk 1 st, sc into ch1-sp) 28 times, ch 1, sk dc. Join to the 1stch with sl st 

[(29 sc, 28 ch1-sp)/side, ch2-sp/corner]

Rnd 7 

Sl st into/over corner ch2-sps of rnds 5 and 6. Pull yarn up to the height of dc and *crochet into/over corner ch2-sps of rnds 5 and 6 (puff-mini, ch 2, puff-mini). (Ch 1, sk 1 st, puff-mini into ch-1 sp) 28 times, ch 1.* 4 times. Join to the 1stpuff-mini with sl st 

[(30 puff-mini, 29 ch1-sp)/side, ch2-sp/corner]

Rnd 8  

Sl st into corner ch2-sp, ch 1 (count as sc), * [sk puff-mini, 5 dc into ch-sp, sk puff-mini, sc into next ch1-sp, (ch 1, sk puff-mini, sc into ch1-sp) 2 times] 7 times, sk puff-mini, 5 dc into ch1-sp, sk puff-mini, sc in the next ch2-sp.* 4 times, omitting the last sc. Join to the 1stch with sl st 

 [(8 x 5dc-group, with 3 x sc and 2 x ch1-sps between them)/side, sc/corner]

Rnd 9 

Ch 5 (count as tr + ch),

* [(dc, ch 1) 4 times, dc in the next st, sk sc, sc into ch-sp, ch 1, sk sc, sc into ch-sp, sk sc] 7 times.  

(Dc, ch 1) 4 times, dc in the next st, ch 1, tr into corner sc, ch 1.* 4times, omitting the last tr and ch 1. Join to the 4thch with sl st.  

Cut yarn and fasten off.  

[8 x (5 dc, 4 x ch leaf-group) between every leaf-group 2 x sc and ch1-sp. (ch1-sp, tr, ch1-sp)/corner]

Repeat the Garden Path lace section for every flower square.  

Fasten off and secure ends, block the square, wet and let dry. 

Please notice when blocking. Piece is not square, corners are round.

COPYRIGHT - This publication is protected by the Copyright Act. It is available to you free of charge. You must not modify or distribute the pattern. Reselling the free pattern in all forms (a whole set of instructions or a single part) is prohibited. Selling a finished product is prohibited unless otherwise agreed with the designer. To download pattern for private use: Sharing the pattern is not allowed.

© 2019 Anne Vierimaa / Anceliga Design, all rights reserved